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About Cindy Morton-Ferreira

Peak performance of Grey Matter investigates the power of positive minds to achieve your goals. The condition of us facing the daily journey is conclusively how we take control of our mind and we adapt to the challenges we face on a daily basis.

The message is clear and crisp and is based on the foundation of the natural grey matter that we all given when we arrive here. Although it comes standard there are few that really know how to harness it to its full potential and implement principles into our daily lives and be able to produce effective measurable results.

The message is adaptable to all environments and therefore ensures that it is pertinent to audiences as it releases the densities of the power of the mind and reveals the wisdom that lies within us.

Cindy draws from her business experience and her own experience with power of her mind to deliver the key essentials of her message.

Cindy is the owner of Performance Logic, an organisation that looks at the performance of a company holistically; she is a Paradigm shifter and a mentor for an organisation that assists children in South Africa.

“Peak Performance of Grey Matter” delivered by Cindy provides a remarkable, thought provoking philosophy that is enlightening and handles the challenges that all Human Capital associates are facing in our ever changing environments.

Cindy explores the strategies exercised by successful organizations and the power of their minds to achieve their ultimate goals.

What makes people successful? How do they do things differently? Most of us believe that our attitude is caused by outside influences like negative people or unpleasant experiences. How do these people impact our businesses?




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About Cindy Morton-Ferreira

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