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Testimonials and Recommendations


What stops you?

Learn to attain EVERY goal!

Make your SUPER sales team, an AWESOME sales unit!

Increase your overall productivity with confident and

self-reliant staff.

Turn good job performance into superb job excellence.


Is there anything you want or desire?

But for some reason… something prevents you from stepping up to take it? Almost always, that something lives within our own minds.., closing off or submitting to our fears.  Fears that we sometimes don’t even know are present!

Learn about your own potential!  

Experience the pleasure of stepping up to face your fears.

Hope.. does not exist without fear. But Fear.. can NOT exist without hope!  The synergy lies within you.

Why Firewalking?

Summarising a reason to overcome your fears is self-limiting; so many individuals find the courage to break through many various limiting beliefs when overcoming restrictive thought patterns. Walking on fire clears your mind, enables you to see things from a clear perspective.

In conquering the most seemingly impossible tasks… we discover that what we thought was impossible, just required taking the first step.

Discovering the potential that lies within you, within every one of us, and doing so yourself, can be the most enlightening and life changing experience. Change your life and see things in a new way.

But isn’t Firewalking evil?

Walking on fire is a process of discovering self, measuring your own limitations and conquering fear. There is no religious connotation to discovering the potential within you unless that is specifically what you are wanting from it. Various religious groups do practice firewalking for religious accomplishment or as rite of passage. Your firewalk is for YOU. Discovering your own ability and potential!

Fear is only as deep as the mind allows. Whether you step out or break through, the path to conquering it, is simpler than you think. Let FuseFlash Firewalking show you how, Human Potential Facilitators, certified by Firewalking Institute of Research and Education. Book your SAFE Firewalking seminar today!

Optional Success tools available with your seminar